
Data Analytics

Learn the basics and a bit beyond, from zero knowledge and skill to decent playing skill

Course Description:

The Data Science Training program with a focus on Data Analytics using R is designed to provide individuals with a comprehensive understanding of foundational concepts and techniques in data analysis. The course covers a range of topics, including R programming, data manipulation, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, data mining, regression, and sentiment analysis. Participants will also learn how to use R studio for real-life case studies in industries such as retail and social media. By the end of the course, individuals will have gained expertise in R programming and the application of data analytics in various fields.

What is Data analytics?

Data analytics is the process of examining raw data to extract insights and draw conclusions about the information they contain. It involves using statistical and computational methods to identify patterns, trends, and relationships in data, as well as to make predictions and improve decision-making. Data analytics is widely used in various industries, including finance, healthcare, marketing, and technology, to analyze customer behavior, optimize business processes, and drive innovation.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Applying principles and skills of economics, marketing, and decision making to contexts and environments in data science to build and access data-based models.
  • Executing statistical analyses with professional statistical software.
  • Demonstrating skill in data management.
  • Analyzing legal and ethical principles applied to contexts and environments of data science and decision making.
  • Designing tested and effective advanced analytics models and simulations for decision making.
  • Communicating effectively in a variety of modes and contexts.

What are the benefits of  Data analytics course?

The benefits of taking a data analytics course include:

  • In-demand skills: Data analytics is a highly sought-after skill in various industries, and learning it can open up opportunities for high-paying jobs.
  • Improved decision-making: With data analytics skills, you can analyze large datasets to make informed decisions and solve complex problems.
  • Career advancement: Data analytics skills are essential for career advancement in many fields, including business, healthcare, finance, and marketing.
  • Versatility: Data analytics skills can be applied across various industries, making it a versatile and valuable skillset.
  • Hands-on experience: Many data analytics courses provide hands-on experience with real-world datasets, which can be beneficial for gaining practical skills and building a portfolio.

Who should take this course?

The Data Analytics course is suitable for individuals who are interested in data analysis and want to learn the necessary skills to become a data analyst. It is also suitable for professionals who want to enhance their data analysis skills to improve their job performance, including business analysts, financial analysts, marketing analysts, and data scientists. Additionally, individuals who want to make a career transition to the field of data analysis can also benefit from this course.

Targeted Job Roles:

  • Marketing analyst
  • Data Scientist

What makes data analytics course different from other courses?

The Data Analytics course differs from other courses in several ways:

  • Focus on Data: Data analytics courses specifically focus on the analysis of data using statistical and computational techniques.
  • Industry-Relevant Skills: Data analytics courses are designed to provide students with skills and knowledge that are highly relevant to the job market, especially in fields such as business, finance, and marketing.
  • Hands-On Experience: Data analytics courses typically offer hands-on experience with real-world data sets, allowing students to gain practical skills in data manipulation, visualization, and analysis.
  • Emphasis on Decision-Making: Data analytics courses help students develop skills in making data-driven decisions, including the ability to identify patterns and trends in data and to draw insights from them.
  • Range of Applications: Data analytics courses cover a wide range of applications, including marketing, finance, healthcare, and more, allowing students to choose an area of focus that aligns with their interests and career goals.

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